Welcome to the BlackList download area for Mikrotiks.
The blacklist generated every 2 hours from such lists as dshield.org, spamhaus.org, darklist.de, blocklist.de, bruteforceblocker, cybercrime, malc0de etc.
# A little Script in your Mikrotik
# File path for BlackList. Change to use attached storage if available (e.g. "disk1/BlackList.rsc")
# Allocate RAM to folder: /disk add type=tmpfs tmpfs-max-size=100M slot=RAM
:local sblPath "/RAM/BlackList.rsc"
:log warning "Downloading BlackList.rsc to $sblPath"
/tool fetch address=blacklist.pp.ua host=blacklist.pp.ua user=NAME mode=https password=PASSWORD src-path=/bl/BlackList.rsc dst-path=$sblPath;
:log warning "Importing BlackList.rsc from $sblPath"
/import $sblPath;
/system script run BlackList
#Add enother one BlackListUpdateOnBoot for booting::delay 15;
/system script run BlackList
For Access to blacklists, please, you can send e-mail for donate 20$/year or 2$/month :)
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